Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lucius Fox Injured in Car Accident

I'm sure you saw The Dark Knight by now. I mean seriously, everyone in the world probably saw the film. The other day, I was talking to my friend who is an Aborigini in the outback of Austrailia and they even had a tribal screening of the film.

Anyway, I read yesterday that Lucius Fox (AKA Morgan Freeman to you people who didn't see Dark Knight) got into an accident this past weekend. OK, while I'm concerned about his safety and all, I'm more worried about, if he dies, "who is going to make Batman all those wonderful toys?" Seriously, after this accident, I would seriously start to consider a real "Bucket List". Here's what I picture Morgan Freeman's list to look like..

Number 1... "Bang Lindsay Lohan... oh wait... I already have..."

2.) Party with Roger Clemens... and I want him to remember it.

3.) Be the first black James Bond... but instead of 007, I want to be 009 and a half inches. That's more me. Holla!!

4.) Eat a panda.

5.) Make a Shawshank Redemption 2 about the years of Andy and Red going cross country robbing banks and meeting strange folk.

6.) When I die, be buried like those gun slingers of the wild west. Have pennies over my eyes in a striped suit and a lot of blush.... kinda like bozo the clown.

- Fluffy Clark

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