Friday, July 18, 2008

The Pope Mobile Inspired Stroller

The Bulletproof Stroller is perfect for anyone who thinks their child's life might be in danger. I'm not talking about diseases or illnesses but bullets, explosions, or suicide bombers. That's right.. you heard that correctly. You will feel safe knowing your child be inside 4 inches of bulletproof steel. Perfect for NFL players, NBA players, Hip-Hop Artists, Politicians, and couples with psycho exes.

Hell, I got it cause my child(John) is constantly under attacks from killer robots from the future. They seriously want us dead cause supposedly he'll be some great leader against an endless army of rebellious cyborgs in a near future global dystopia. 

- Fluffy Clark


kristen said...

Oh, I loved this post. Do angry PETA people count?

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't Duchess Halfmoon posted anything????

Anonymous said...

I heard Dutchess has been away doing recon missions for the US NAVY S.E.A.L.S. Once her assassination mission.. ahem.. i mean "peace-keeping mission" is over, you'll see some posts by her.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you read Fluffy's post about me being preggo? I'm busy stalking my baby daddy. I will return.
~Dutchess Halfmoon