Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Your Story is so Coyote Ugly

I sometimes can't believe I actually live in NYC. But there's this part of me that feels like I'm "just visiting" and I don't mind not being considered a New Yorker. I just don't like it when people say.. "you're from jersey??!! Eww". That's not very polite if you ask me. And the thing is, I actually get that a lot. When people hear you are from that side of the Hudson, they give that reaction like you're from a third world country of something.

I don't know. I think I fit in very well here. Maybe not by my appearance(i'm like 4x the weight of the average hipster and they weight about 50 lbs each) but I think I have the mentality(did I just sound cocky there?). It's amusing when that sheltered friend says to you, "oh man, be careful, I don't want to see you get killed." I immediately think of that ridiculous scene from Coyote Ugly where Violet has that farewell party with her friends from Sayreville. "Oh my god Violet.. you're moving to the big city!" Jesus Christ people, Sayreville is like 30 miles from NYC, it's not like she's coming from Africa.

I find Coyote Ugly highly amusing fiction. Maybe I think too much but I want to know what was Violet's game plan. Seriously, the girl packed up her stuff and moved (30 miles away) with 1.) NO JOB, 2.) No roommates and a fairly spacey apartment(by NYC standards) for HERSELF and 3.) with a plan of being a songwriter as income. Seriously girl?? Really??

Anyway, life is good these days. Surprisingly getting by financially. The Ramen diet is working out too. But I really miss driving. Like really miss it. Having a car in NYC is a luxury. Everyone walks or takes public transportation. Some people will never understand.. there's a type of freedom that comes with driving and that's the ability to hit a pedestrian. Kidding.

1 comment:

redd5 said...

haha. I hear ya man..I miss driving too! living in downtown isn't nearly the same as manhattan, but once my car is parked..i don't want to lose my parking! plus things are so close, there's really not the need to drive as much. Which i'm assuming is the same for you.

But I def do miss highway driving with the music loud, smoking a cig!